A friend told me: I prefer to die, but not live such suffering!
Bahaa is my name, 27. I was born in a refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. I survived 3 deadly wars. I lived almost 13 years under immortal siege.
Although, I succeeded in my study. I graduated to be shocked that I'm living in the remnants of life. No chances of living, no jobs, no life is what all I found.
Often waited for the moment I graduated thinking about the pink life that awaits me, but I realized that there is no life awaits me, but sorrow and crisis.
I didn’t give up, I tried to steadfast, fight and work to live.
Nothing Worked
My profession is an English Teacher. I began my career in teaching my neighborhood’s students. They were paying me a very small amount every month and it was enough for me. Once, the students couldn’t pay, so I couldn’t pay the rent of the classroom. Unfortunately, it didn’t work.
I tried to travel abroad to find a chance. Both Israel and Egypt blocked me. No clear reason for that, but I have faith that it’s my bad luck in life.
Working as a journalist, I started my work on Twitter, having the attention of 50,000 followers. When I realized that I finally got success, Twitter permanently suspended my account.
Youtuber, I worked in montage a lot of videos and uploaded them to YouTube, but my content seems to be undesirable. Unfortunately, it didn’t work.
Reporting news on my websites is my career right now, I hope to get successful at the end.
Love Despite Pain
It becomes a harsh, unendurable, unlivable life. Gaza becomes like hell for its residents. All people are suffering on daily basis.
I decided to fall in love, maybe I can forget!
I felt in love with the most beautiful woman in the world, her name is Banan, the same birthday as mine. I met her in the Great Return March last August. I decided to marry her ignoring the disastrous conditions I suffer.
Marriage life needs a lot of expenses that I can’t afford. I realized that during the 11 months of engagement. I build a very simple home to live with her in love and peace. But I can’t complete it till this moment. Expenses are more than my energy.
The Last Choice
I knocked all the doors. I asked for help. I appealed to all the people I know. No one answered.
My last choice is telling you my dear reader that I want you to contribute to building a life of a couple in the darkest city in the world, Gaza.
Water, electricity I can’t provide to my home. My wedding party in 11 days, if I can’t pay for them, I will live without water nor electricity. The life that no one can endure or even imagine.
I call the humanity you have to imagine that you live my life and then you have to choose what to do!
This story is not the only mine, but it’s also all the Gazan youths.